Price List

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Natural cycle – Egg collection500,00€
Embryo/Blastocyst culture and embryo transfer during natural cycle500,00€
Egg collection and microinjection ICSI1200,00€
Egg collection and classic In Vitro Fertilization IVF1000,00€
Embryo cultrure and transfer1200,00€
Blastocyst culture300,00€
Assisted Hatching300,00€
Embryo cryopresernvation (vitrification method) and 1 year free storage400,00€
Cost of cryopreserved embryo or oocyte storage per year180,00€/year
Trasnfer of cryopreserved embryos 1100,00€
Oocyte cryopreservation (vitrification method) and 1 year free storage1800,00 €
Egg Donation program5500,00€
SurrogaceUpon request
Ultrasound guided ovarian cyst paracentesis (with analgesia)500,00€
Testicular sperm retrieval (TESE) includes urologist fee 1300,00€
Analgesia – Sedation100,00€
IntraUterine TuboPeritoneal Insemination (IUTPI) 500,00€
Ovarian PRP750,00€
Endometrial PRP  450,00€


Sperm analysis  120,00€
Sperm cryopreservation (including 1 year free storage)240,00€
DFI – Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index 250,00€
Cost of sperm storage per year  180,00€/year

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